After Two Decades, American Trade May Finally Get a Needed Upgrade
In 1989 the government of Singapore launched an innovative improvement to its trade infrastructure. The project, known as TradeNet, was a “single window” system that allowed exporters and importers to...
View ArticleTrading Up: Being Small and Going Global
As the global economy rebounds, companies around the world are seeking growth through exports. Only the next generation of exporters will not be companies that have matured in the domestic market, but...
View ArticleKari Reidy: Growing Your Lemonade Stand: Exporting Drives Sales and Innovation
Remember how much fun it was opening your own lemonade stand? You would go to the supermarket with your parents to buy the ingredients, rush home to the kitchen with your siblings to mix everything...
View ArticleJohn Murphy: Are India and China Ready to Lead on Trade?
India and China are giants on the world stage, with a combined population of 2.6 billion — more than one-third of humanity. Adjusted for purchasing power, their combined economic output tops $20...
View ArticleFrancisco J. Sánchez: The US and EU — Promoting Growth Through Trade
In 1986, Vietnam was one of the poorest countries in the world. The aftermath of the decades-long Vietnam War and the mismanagement of the economy left the majority of the country in abject poverty,...
View ArticleStephen Ezell: ITA Expansion Agreement a Victory for Global Innovation Economy
The United States and China aren’t the only potential victors to emerge this week from an agreement to expand a two-decade-old list of information and communications technology (ICT) products that can...
View ArticleKati Suominen: Rise of the Re-Invention Economy
As automation and computerization expand, anxiety about jobs is at a fever pitch. Some say computers will displace a vast array of human work. Many others argue it polarizes the labor market: in a...
View ArticleEdward Gerwin, Jr.: Building the Right Trade Policies to Support the Internet...
On factory floors and from computers in Silicon Valley, GE is building what it calls the “Industrial Internet” — global networks that employ sensors, cloud computing and advanced analytics to help...
View ArticleFrancisco J. Sánchez: Synchronized Factories — The Key to Latin America’s...
In 2005, Bombardier, the Canadian aerospace and transportation company, opened the doors of a factory in Querétaro, Mexico. At the time, the move seemed like a serious gamble. Though Mexico offered low...
View ArticleScott Miller: WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement — Will the `Self-Help’ Program...
We have just passed the one-year anniversary of the WTO’s ninth Ministerial Conference in Bali, where members decided to adopt the agreement on trade facilitation. After overcoming some mid-year...
View ArticleAndrea Durkin: Why Aren’t American App Developers Looking Overseas?
With the global market for apps taking off, exports are fast becoming an attractive proposition for U.S. software developers. There are over 1 million U.S. software developers, according to the...
View ArticleTrading Up: Being Small and Going Global
As the global economy rebounds, companies around the world are seeking growth through exports. Only the next generation of exporters will not be companies that have matured in the domestic market, but...
View ArticleKari Reidy: Growing Your Lemonade Stand: Exporting Drives Sales and Innovation
Remember how much fun it was opening your own lemonade stand? You would go to the supermarket with your parents to buy the ingredients, rush home to the kitchen with your siblings to mix everything...
View ArticleJohn Murphy: Are India and China Ready to Lead on Trade?
India and China are giants on the world stage, with a combined population of 2.6 billion — more than one-third of humanity. Adjusted for purchasing power, their combined economic output tops $20...
View ArticleFrancisco J. Sánchez: The US and EU — Promoting Growth Through Trade
In 1986, Vietnam was one of the poorest countries in the world. The aftermath of the decades-long Vietnam War and the mismanagement of the economy left the majority of the country in abject poverty,...
View ArticleStephen Ezell: ITA Expansion Agreement a Victory for Global Innovation Economy
The United States and China aren’t the only potential victors to emerge this week from an agreement to expand a two-decade-old list of information and communications technology (ICT) products that can...
View ArticleKati Suominen: Rise of the Re-Invention Economy
As automation and computerization expand, anxiety about jobs is at a fever pitch. Some say computers will displace a vast array of human work. Many others argue it polarizes the labor market: in a...
View ArticleEdward Gerwin, Jr.: Building the Right Trade Policies to Support the Internet...
On factory floors and from computers in Silicon Valley, GE is building what it calls the “Industrial Internet” — global networks that employ sensors, cloud computing and advanced analytics to help...
View ArticleFrancisco J. Sánchez: Synchronized Factories — The Key to Latin America’s...
In 2005, Bombardier, the Canadian aerospace and transportation company, opened the doors of a factory in Querétaro, Mexico. At the time, the move seemed like a serious gamble. Though Mexico offered low...
View ArticleScott Miller: WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement — Will the `Self-Help’ Program...
We have just passed the one-year anniversary of the WTO’s ninth Ministerial Conference in Bali, where members decided to adopt the agreement on trade facilitation. After overcoming some mid-year...
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